How to legally send donations to Turkey and Syria?
Riyadh — The world has witnessed one of the most devastating earthquakes ever in Turkey and Syria. A lot of countries including Saudi Arabia has stepped in to send humanitarian aid to the victims of the earthquake.
Having said that, there are hundreds of illegal and unregistered charity organizations who appeal donations. Most of these organizations use charities as a cover for their extremist and terrorist agenda.
It’s highly recommended to send your sincere donations to the victims through legalized and verified channels, which gives you a peace of mind that your donations don’t land in the wrong hands.
How To Donate?
King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRelief) has launched ‘Sahem’ platform to help the victims of Turkey and Syria. Click here for the Sahem platform.
All you need to do is to fill in the amount and make quick donation through the VISA or Master Cards.

Another option is to utilize the IBAN number: SA7780000500608018777776.
Sahem is an electronic platform for the humanitarian programs provided by King Salman Humanitarian Aid & Relief Centre around the world. E-Donate serves donors who would like to donate through such a platform using electronic services. Sahem offers the user a personal account. This helps the donor to track the programs to which he/she has donated to.