Tag: islamism


Rise of Islamism in Europe: Muslim Brotherhood and Jamaat-e-Islami

Islam, as one of the world's major religions, has...

ANALYSIS: Why the Muslim Brotherhood failed to rule Egypt?

by Dalia Ziada The ill performance and unwise decisions of...

OPINION: Shawcross’ Review does not target Islam, but Islamism

by Haras Rafiq By believing the dishonest characterisation of Shawcross...

ANALYSIS: The Rise of “Woke” Islamism in the West

by Lorenzo Vidino Wokeism, in its various manifestations, arguably constitutes...

Maududi: Father of Modern Jihadism

by Jassem Tamim Maududi's views continue to influence thousands of Islamist militants worldwide. The 29th of August 1966, a man who had the most significant influence on modern...

Somalian Terrorist Ali Harbi Ali belonged to the tribe of Al-Shabab Leader

by Noor Dahri The terrorist suspect responsible for Amess’ death also belonged to the same clan, and may have been influenced by those terrorist figures...

911 Attacks: Connecting Islamist Dots from Kabul to Tehran and Doha to Hamburg

by Khaled Hamoud Alshareef The Muslim Brotherhood association with the Qatari regime helped accelerate the MB plans, thanks to the limitless funds by Qatar. The 9/11...

WEBINAR: Options for Peace in Middle-East

Dammam - The Milli Chronicle held a webinar over Zoom on Thursday at 8:30pm (KSA Time), titled "Options for Peace in Middle-East", in order...

The Islamists of Sweden, slowly turning Sweden into a Muslim Brotherhood’s safe haven

by Khaled Hamoud Alshareef Islamists quietly infiltrating democratic institutions and normalizing their ideas are the real threat that must be recognized and addressed. After the Muslim...

ANALYSIS: Why the Muslim Brotherhood failed to rule Egypt?

by Dalia Ziada The ill performance and unwise decisions of...

OPINION: Shawcross’ Review does not target Islam, but Islamism

by Haras Rafiq By believing the dishonest characterisation of Shawcross...

ANALYSIS: The Rise of “Woke” Islamism in the West

by Lorenzo Vidino Wokeism, in its various manifestations, arguably constitutes...

Maududi: Father of Modern Jihadism

by Jassem Tamim Maududi's views continue to influence thousands of...