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Doctors, Engineers and PGs apply for Peon Jobs in India due to Unemployment

Gujarat — Over seven Doctors, 450 Engineers and 543 post-graduates got appointed as Peons and Bailiffs in Indian PM Modi’s home-state of Gujarat. Nearly 1,59,278 candidates took the test for 1149 vacancies.

A report published by Nachiketa Desai in National Herald India stated that, the entrance test was conducted recently to fill up 1149 vacancies of Class-IV positions of peons, bearers and bailiffs in Gujarat High Court and sub-ordinate courts.

The shocking part is, 19 bachelor’s degree holders in dentistry and homeopathy, and 5446 PG degree holders in law, science and commerce, sat the entrance test, the report stated.

Interestingly, owners and teachers of private tuition classes who help students clear UPSC exams, also sat for the entrance test to simply watch what kind of questions are being asked.

The salary for the positions is 30,000 Indian Rupees which is around 420 USD which is enough for any average Indian family.

The report stated that many of the candidates admitted that it’s better to work for the under-qualified yet permanent job rather sitting at home and doing nothing.

In October 2018, over 93000 youths including PhDs and PGs applied for the peon jobs in BJP-ruled Uttar Pradesh state.

Another report written by Bobins Abraham stated that over 5 Million Indians lost jobs due to Demonetization decision made by Modi Government in 2016.